What Is Coaching? - How To Succeed With Help From Professional Business Consultants

Coaching is quickly becoming one of the leading tools that successful businesses and business consultants use to generate extraordinary results. Through weekly coaching sessions, my clients identify what is most important to them and align their thoughts, words, and actions, accordingly. As a business consultant and your coach, I work with you to identify what you want personally and professionally, and support and consult you in building your business and achieving a lifestyle that you really want and love. Having a business and a life you love starts with gaining clarity on your values, enabling more meaningful choices and consistent action. Your commitment to your business through coaching offers a means for better results, including more balance, joy, energy, financial abundance, focus, and action in every area.

As Your Business Coach I Will:

  • Encourage you to set goals that you truly want
  • Ask you to do more than you may have done on your own
  • Help you focus better in order to produce results more quickly
  • Provide you with the tools, support, and structure used by professional business consultants to accomplish more

How Is Coaching Different From Therapy Or Business Consulting?

Coaching is not therapy, which goes into depth about various issues, usually dealing with the past, nor is it consulting which generally results in giving the client answers. Business Coaching is more action-oriented and focuses primarily on the present and future. As your coach I enable you to determine your own “answers” through the work done in our coaching partnership.

Who Works With A Coach?

Entrepreneurs, business owners, salespeople, business consultants, corporate executives, professionals, and people in transition are some of the people who typically work with a coach. Regardless of their professional endeavor or place in life, all of my clients have one thing in common: they are all successful, resourceful, and intelligent individuals who want to get even more out of their lives. What professional athlete hasn’t used a coach to win? Michael Jordan is probably the best of all time, and yet he understood the value that comes from having someone work directly with him, someone to point out things he can’t see, someone to keep encouraging and challenging him to achieve his greatest potential. That’s who I am for you. Coaching is like having business consultant as a personal trainer for your business!

Benefits Of Working With A Business Consultant As A Coach

Coaching by business consultants is proven to work when two factors are present:


The client is willing to learn, grow, and take action


There is a gap between where he/she is now and where he/she wants to be

How One-on-One Business Coaching/Consulting Can Magnify Your Business Potential

That’s all that is necessary for a successful coaching relationship where you can develop the right strategy, implement a plan of action, and achieve your goals. Anything is possible within our coaching relationship. With a coach you can:

Our first task together is to find out exactly what you really want for yourself. Once you create objectives that are clearly in line with your personal values and professional vision, you are much more likely to naturally and consistently take actions to reach them.
When you have a partner you trust, you will reach for much more because you can afford to. Are you ready to think big and really live your life fully? I am a partner who will enable you to take your life wherever you want it to go.
Professional success is maximized when you enjoy a sense of personal fulfillment and life balance. We will discuss how to be selfish yet responsible, and how to carve out enough time so your life outside of work is exactly the way you want it to be.
Most people are worth a lot more than they are making. Are you happy with your financial situation? If not, we can look at your beliefs about money and address whatever is keeping you from experiencing financial abundance.
I will help you become focused as you share ideas with me. I will understand you and be subjective enough to want a lot for you, yet objective enough not to be biased or self-serving. You’ll also find that just talking about your options with someone who really listens is often enough to clarify things.
Together we’ll identify the things that drain your energy, and create a long-term strategy to eliminate them. In addition, we’ll focus on the things that give you energy, and explore how to maximize their impact. When you're happy, productive, and free from tolerations and problems, building a business is a lot more fun!

How To Get The Most From Coaching

I want you to benefit greatly from our coaching calls and the time in between. This guide briefly outlines some of the things you can do to maximize the value of your coaching experience from professional business consultants.

Focus On What You Really Want

Coaching works best when you have clear goals that are based on your true values. First, I encourage you to deeply consider what you want your business to look like. Then, identify the gaps between the way things are now and how you would like them to be. Many people struggle with this, so if you are unsure about what it is you really want to achieve, coaching is an excellent tool that can provide you with greater clarity.

Get To Know Yourself Newly

Working with a sensitive and empathic coach is a healthy way to grow. Most clients hire business consultants as a coach to work on specific goals, and much of the time focus on these objectives. Yet, with coaching, many clients discover new parts of themselves, and find they can adjust their goals to be more in alignment with who they really are. This discovery process is natural, and you do not need to concentrate on it, just realize it will likely happen. Accelerated personal and professional growth is the hallmark of coaching when performed by professional business consultants.

Double Your Level Of Willingness

Part of working with me as your coach is that I will ask a lot of you. Not too much I hope, but perhaps more than you may have been asked recently. I request that you be willing to experiment with fresh approaches and try new beliefs. I will invite you to tell the absolute truth, raise your personal standards, and set higher goals. Ultimately, you need to decide what is best for you; however, the more willing you are to grow, the greater the benefits from coaching.

Come Prepared To Each Coaching Call

To get the most value out of the coaching session, I request that you prepare a written agenda for each call. Many of my clients use the provided “Coaching Call Prep Form.” This does not have to be a big, time-consuming event, but usually only requires 10-20 minutes. Investing that small amount of time to prepare for the call and e-mailing an agenda to me beforehand, will have a huge impact on our session.

Do Your Homework

Each week you will decide on the actions or goals you want to focus on. I expect you to keep the commitments you make and will work with you to make sure you are setting worthwhile, realistic and achievable objectives. If you know that a busy week is ahead, your homework might be as simple as thinking about a new perspective. If you have more time, you might decide to handle a big task. Regardless, I will hold you accountable and encourage you to do your best.

How I Coach Clients

As your coach, I will inquire, encourage, advise, challenge, make requests, and listen for your truth so that you remain aligned with who you are, your goals, your values, and your vision. My focus will be completely on you and what you want; I stand for you first and foremost, not just your goals. Unlike other business consultants, the coaching relationship is designed by both of us, and may be refined through ongoing two-way feedback. Even though I am committed to the journey, you will ultimately be responsible for actions taken (or not taken) in your business throughout the process.

I Expect Your Best

We should only be working together if you are ready to do and be your best. If you are not doing your best, I will ask you to do so. If you cannot be your best at the moment, I will understand and do what I can so that you can get back on the path of being your best.

I Make Specific Requests

From time to time, I will make a direct request, such as "Will you accomplish X by the end of the month?” You may accept the request, counter-offer (e.g.: “I can’t do X, but I can do Y”) or decline (rare). I will always support you, whichever way you respond.

I Give Advice

If I am sure of the situation, and you are open to it, I will make specific suggestions on how to handle a problem or go for an opportunity. If I am not sure, I will say so. Regardless, use the best of what I say and use your own judgment.

I Am Direct

When I hear a funny tone in your voice or notice something amiss, I will ask you about it. Often, it is these small moments that offer the chance to resolve something. However, I will not confront you; I will merely invite you to take a closer look.

I Give Homework

I typically ask you to determine two or three goals or actions to focus on between our calls. If I am pushing you too much, say so. If you want to be pushed harder, just ask.

I’m Here for You

I want to hear it all. If you have a personal problem, are upset with something (even me or the coaching), are just starting to realize something big, or can't wait to share a breakthrough, please call or e-mail me — anytime.

Find Out What My Client's Say:

Tom Kelly is an excellent coach

“Tom Kelly is an excellent coach with a great combination of empathy, willingness to challenge you, and straight forward and imperative business knowledge to offer. When I began coaching with Tom I was coming out of a very tough year physically and emotionally that threw my usual proactive and positive business and life disposition for a major loop. I needed an outside perspective and empathy. I also needed a path to return to full-on accountability to my business and priorities. Tom helped me to rapidly get back on track. He also helped me to reflect on my business growth strategies to keep me on the best path forward where I had doubts or gaps. And, he gave me great knowledge at crucial points that have paid off very nicely. The results have been that I’m fully back to my proactive, positive self, my business is growing with tremendous and exponential momentum, I feel great confidence in how to promote its continued growth, and I’m feeling prouder than ever in the difference I’m making in my clients’ lives. Working with Tom has been the perfect gift at the perfect time.”

Sam Markewich

I highly recommend giving Tom a call

“I hired Tom about a year ago to help me improve my sales and marketing processes so that I could take my business to the next level. Tom’s coaching has really helped me to improve my prospecting, lead generation, negotiation, and closing skills. I now have a sales and marketing system that delivers predictable results, which has allowed me to add staff and expand my business. Additionally, Tom has really helped me change my mindset. I now think like an entrepreneur and business owner, instead of thinking like a one-man band. This has freed up my time to focus on more impactful things in my business, and has allowed me to not only take my business to the next level, but to do so while being able to spend time with my family and have a life outside of work. If you are a business owner looking to go to the next level, I highly recommend giving Tom a call.”

Daniel Sirvent

If you are looking for a great coach that will challenge you and help you get the results you are looking for, I recommend giving Tom a call!

“I met Tom at an event I attended where he was the keynote speaker. I had recently started a new business venture and was looking for a coach to help me improve my sales results, improve my leadership, and scale my business. Tom helped me set clear and executable goals, build a solid business plan, and create a sales and marketing system to qualify high quality leads and bring in new business. Since working with Tom, I’ve brought in a bunch of new business, started to build a solid team, and have a mission and the confidence in myself to lead my business to a whole other level. If you are looking for a great coach that will challenge you and help you get the results you are looking for, I recommend giving Tom a call!”

Kim Droessler

He is truly a “coaches coach”

He is truly a “coaches coach”
“I have been coaching with Tom for about 6 months. I have found him to be terrific coach and asset to my business. He is able to draw the best out of you and help you create a workable plan in very short order. He is truly a “coaches coach”. Personally, I have been doing business coaching for the past 14 years. As a coach and “being in the business”, I get to evaluate him in a different paradigm. I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you are looking for a great business coach, look no further Tom will help you get to the next level.”

Dr. Paul Inselman

Tom is a game changer and is ready for the next challenge. Are you?

“I have known Tom Kelly for over 10 years. We met at a leads group where we were both members. I owned a small business and was open to coaching. I started coaching with Tom and he was able to identify areas of my leadership that needed improvement. We worked closely together and I was successful in improving my weaknesses as a leader. Some specific examples of the work we accomplished together:

1. Improved cash flow by 75 days.
2. Increased revenue by 25%.
3. Increased profitability by 10%.

I sold my small business and started investing in real estate projects. I realized I was not focused enough and began coaching with Tom again. Tom was able to center my focus and increase my productivity. During that time, I was at a hard place mentally. I turned to Tom for help and he assisted me in pulling me through my tough time. We identified I was not in the right industry and Tom was able to connect me with my future employer.
I currently work at Sun Acquisitions as the Business Development Officer and have been experiencing massive results with the help of Tom’s coaching. It is a very challenging position and Tom has helped me create an Ideal Schedule for me to follow and keeps me accountable to the schedule I created. His constant reminder of focus and the powerful question of, ‘Why?’, has helped me to become successful in my current position.

Tom’s ability to identify areas of weakness and coach to improve a weakness is exceptional. Tom understands we are human and we make mistakes. Tom also understands that we possess an ability to learn and improve and sometimes that ability is hiding deep in our minds. Tom excels at finding our ability and bringing that ability in all of us, front and center. When our ability to learn and improve is front and center, Tom exploits our newly found skill and pushes us beyond our limits. With Tom’s help, I have found myself in territory that I would have never imagined.
I highly recommend Tom’s services to anyone looking to make massive change to their professional and/or personal lives. Tom is a game changer and is ready for the next challenge. Are you?”

Tony Schiappa

You want him in your corner!

“Tom has been my coach for years as I’ve built up my leadership coaching practice. He has consistently helped me step back from problems to gain a higher perspective, which brings the added benefit of both making me a better coach for my clients and a happier person. He also recently helped me land my first 6-figure coaching contract! I can’t recommend Tom highly enough as a business coach. You want him in your corner!”

Ariana Blossom

Tom Helped Me Change My Mindset

“I’ve worked with a lot of big name coaches in the past, and just wasn’t getting the type of results that I was looking for. I needed someone that could help me deliver results – specifically doubling my sales and improving the overall systems in my business. Tom helped me change my mindset, get out of the details, and empower my team. Tom also taught me how to avoid selling on price and attract the types of clients that value my services and are willing to pay for it. I now have a specific daily action plan to achieve my goals, and my team knows what my expectations are. We have better systems and are on the way to doubling our sales. I’ve even brought Tom in to coach the team as well. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, I highly recommend working with Tom.”

Suzanne Harandi

Tom is a master coach, who listens well and challenges you to grow your knowledge and skills

“Tom Kelly coached me in the creation of marketing and sales systems for my new business. These new systems enabled me to focus and organize my marketing and sales efforts and helped me to generate my first sale as well as multiple prospects for future sales. Tom provided me with knowledgeable advice, useful recommendations, and helpful tips for growing my business. My meeting notes from our coaching sessions continue to be a valuable reference as I put his suggestions into practice. Tom is a master coach, who listens well and challenges you to grow your knowledge and skills. In the future, when I need help in addressing marketing and sales challenges, I plan to seek out Tom’s coaching assistance.”

Brian Vickers
Founder and Principal Consultant