This brand-new free cheat sheet will show you 5 key things you can do right now to generate more referrals in a predictable, sustainable, and consistent way.
Are You Currently In A Job That You Hate?
Is your stress level off the charts? Have you recently been laid off from your job, and are wondering what is next for you? Do you know what you want, but you just can’t seem to find that next job? In today’s business world, most of us will make numerous job changes and even complete career transitions over the course of our professional careers. In our high paced society, our situation can change on a dime, and often we are left wondering where our next paycheck is going to come from. While any transition can be challenging, a career transition is often times one of the hardest to make. As a business person, the decisions that you make with respect to your career not only effect your income level, but also your personal happiness and success. If you are in a career transition, or are looking to make one in the near future, you will benefit greatly from working with a career transition coach.
Do Any Of These Statements Sound Familiar?
I was recently laid off, and I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up
I am unhappy in my current position, and want more from my career
I love what I do, but the environment is preventing me from being happy
I hate the fact that other people are making career decisions for me, and I want to have more of a say in where my career is heading
The industry I am in is steadily declining, and the prospects of keeping my job are getting slimmer by the day
I’m tired of working so hard and not getting the pay and benefits that I deserve
It’s been a long time since I have changed jobs, and I have no idea about how to go about finding a new job
I haven’t the slightest clue as to how to put together a resume, let alone market myself
I’m caught up in internal politics, and I am clueless as to what to do about it
I’ve heard that networking is the way to find a new job, but I don’t have any networking skills and am terrified at the thought of approaching people and asking for help
If So, Working With A Career Transition Coach You Can:
Become incredibly self aware, so that you know exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are, and what careers are a solid fit for your skill set
Develop a solid plan-of-attack to move your career to the next level
Learn to develop strong boundaries and shift your environment from a toxic one to one that empowers you
Give yourself the tools to take your power back and control your destiny with respect to your career
Learn to leverage your current skill set so that you can move from a declining industry into an up-and-coming field
Discover how to get paid what you are worth and work smarter, not harder
Generate a solid marketing plan, complete with all the tools you need, to effectively conduct a job search and land your dream job
Develop a strong resume, as well as a tool box of things you will need to market yourself effectively
Develop the skills required to deal with internal politics and effectively market yourself inside your company so that you can maximize your potential within your current situation
Learn and perfect the skills necessary to become a “master networker”
Additionally, As Your Career Transition Coach I Will Provide You With:
The tools, support structure, and distinctions to allow you to reach your goals quickly
An environment where you can speak openly and freely – everything we talk about is held in strict confidence
Access to an extensive network of professionals and other people that can help you achieve your goals
Support between sessions via phone and e-mail with career transition coach
Access to hundreds of resources and assessments
The full and honest truth from someone who is in your corner as your career transition coach
Find Out What My Client's Say:
Tom Kelly is an excellent coach
“Tom Kelly is an excellent coach with a great combination of empathy, willingness to challenge you, and straight forward and imperative business knowledge to offer. When I began coaching with Tom I was coming out of a very tough year physically and emotionally that threw my usual proactive and positive business and life disposition for a major loop. I needed an outside perspective and empathy. I also needed a path to return to full-on accountability to my business and priorities. Tom helped me to rapidly get back on track. He also helped me to reflect on my business growth strategies to keep me on the best path forward where I had doubts or gaps. And, he gave me great knowledge at crucial points that have paid off very nicely. The results have been that I’m fully back to my proactive, positive self, my business is growing with tremendous and exponential momentum, I feel great confidence in how to promote its continued growth, and I’m feeling prouder than ever in the difference I’m making in my clients’ lives. Working with Tom has been the perfect gift at the perfect time.”
Tom’s been the best advisor I’ve ever had!
Tom’s a humble genius. We worked together for several months and no matter how unique I thought a problem was, he immediately had a nugget or two I could use to make sense of it and move past it. He also has a powerful way of pointing out when the real problem is me, without making me feel judged for it. This alone helped me maneuver my way past so many obstacles.
I’ve had a dozen advisors, board members and several coaches prior to working with Tom. Tom’s by far the best. I’m super grateful I got to work with him as my coach. The result is an exciting new problem set at an entirely different business level. Thanks Tom!
I highly recommend giving Tom a call
“I hired Tom about a year ago to help me improve my sales and marketing processes so that I could take my business to the next level. Tom’s coaching has really helped me to improve my prospecting, lead generation, negotiation, and closing skills. I now have a sales and marketing system that delivers predictable results, which has allowed me to add staff and expand my business. Additionally, Tom has really helped me change my mindset. I now think like an entrepreneur and business owner, instead of thinking like a one-man band. This has freed up my time to focus on more impactful things in my business, and has allowed me to not only take my business to the next level, but to do so while being able to spend time with my family and have a life outside of work. If you are a business owner looking to go to the next level, I highly recommend giving Tom a call.”
If you are looking for a great coach that will challenge you and help you get the results you are looking for, I recommend giving Tom a call!
“I met Tom at an event I attended where he was the keynote speaker. I had recently started a new business venture and was looking for a coach to help me improve my sales results, improve my leadership, and scale my business. Tom helped me set clear and executable goals, build a solid business plan, and create a sales and marketing system to qualify high quality leads and bring in new business. Since working with Tom, I’ve brought in a bunch of new business, started to build a solid team, and have a mission and the confidence in myself to lead my business to a whole other level. If you are looking for a great coach that will challenge you and help you get the results you are looking for, I recommend giving Tom a call!”
Tom Is Extremely Knowledgeable
“I am the Owner of iAchieve Learning, which is a tutoring and music company and we service around 14 of the northwest suburbs of the Chicagoland area. I have been working with Tom Kelly as a business coach for about 7 months and have seen huge improvements in my business! Tom is extremely knowledgable and has opened my eyes to new areas of my business that I never even thought of. He has helped me focus in on particular areas of my business and has also pushed me to try things out of my comfort zone that have proved to be successful! During our time together, Tom has also inspired me to start a second business that is based around life and success coaching. I am so grateful for our weekly meetings and all of the help that he has provided me. I would highly recommend Tom Kelly as a business coach!!”