This brand-new free cheat sheet will show you 5 key things you can do right now to generate more referrals in a predictable, sustainable, and consistent way.


Sales Professionals: Do You Ask Yourself These Questions?

Are you looking to dramatically improve your results as well as your income level? Would you like to strengthen your relating, selling, and communication skills? Are you ready to exceed your goals and objectives while maintaining a balanced life? If you are a sales professional in today’s business environment, not only do you have to have a top product or service to sell, you need to constantly stay ahead of your competition by making sure that you are the best at what you do. However, being the best is often not good enough. There are constant pressures to generate better results in less time with fewer resources. As a sales professional, you are in one of the few professions where your results, or lack of them, can be directly attributed to you!

Chicago-based Sales Coach

If you are a sales professional that is looking to reach for more, and is looking for a partner to work with, you will benefit greatly from working with a sales coach.

Do Any Of These Statements Sound Familiar?

I barely have time to keep my head above water, let alone think about “taking it to the next level”
I barely have time to keep my head above water, let alone think about “taking it to the next level”
I work so many hours and travel so often that I rarely have time to do anything but work
The results that I generate are not in line with the effort I put in on a daily basis
I am expected to generate results, but I don’t have the tools and training to do so
I am often losing sales to competitors’ that have a lower price
I wish I could spend less time doing paperwork and have more time to sell
I am so busy that I feel completely overwhelmed and my stress level is “off the charts”
I am compromising my values and standards to achieve short-term objectives instead of long-term success
I am using a shot gun approach instead of a well thought out sales system

If So, Working With A Sales Coach You Can:

Generate the results you are committed to, while developing an abundance of time and income

Attract customers that are ready to buy, so that you no longer have to chase them

Live a balanced life, which works well

Align your daily actions with your intentions, so that the results you generate equal or exceed the effort you put in

Have the tools, support structure, and accountability to achieve your goals

Learn how to generate massive value for your customers, so that price is never an issue

Develop a system to handle all of your “administrivia”, so that you have more time to sell

Learn to create a “stress free” work zone so that stress and overwhelm are a thing of the past

Develop a system that will allow you to create long-term consistent results that are in alignment with your core standards and values

Have a strong sales system, vs. a sales effort


Improve Your Salesmanship and Sales Results With A Mentor/Coach

Additionally, As Your Chicago-based Sales Coach I Will Provide You With:

The tools, support structure, and distinctions to allow you to reach your goals quickly

An environment where you can speak openly and freely – everything we talk about is held in strict confidence

Access to an extensive network of professionals and other people that can help you achieve your goals

Support between sessions via phone and e-mail

Access to hundreds of resources and assessments

The full and honest truth from someone who is in your corner


Find Out What My Sales Coaching Client's Say:

Tom Kelly is an excellent coach

“Tom Kelly is an excellent coach with a great combination of empathy, willingness to challenge you, and straight forward and imperative business knowledge to offer. When I began coaching with Tom I was coming out of a very tough year physically and emotionally that threw my usual proactive and positive business and life disposition for a major loop. I needed an outside perspective and empathy. I also needed a path to return to full-on accountability to my business and priorities. Tom helped me to rapidly get back on track. He also helped me to reflect on my business growth strategies to keep me on the best path forward where I had doubts or gaps. And, he gave me great knowledge at crucial points that have paid off very nicely. The results have been that I’m fully back to my proactive, positive self, my business is growing with tremendous and exponential momentum, I feel great confidence in how to promote its continued growth, and I’m feeling prouder than ever in the difference I’m making in my clients’ lives. Working with Tom has been the perfect gift at the perfect time.”

Sam Markewich

I highly recommend giving Tom a call

“I hired Tom about a year ago to help me improve my sales and marketing processes so that I could take my business to the next level. Tom’s coaching has really helped me to improve my prospecting, lead generation, negotiation, and closing skills. I now have a sales and marketing system that delivers predictable results, which has allowed me to add staff and expand my business. Additionally, Tom has really helped me change my mindset. I now think like an entrepreneur and business owner, instead of thinking like a one-man band. This has freed up my time to focus on more impactful things in my business, and has allowed me to not only take my business to the next level, but to do so while being able to spend time with my family and have a life outside of work. If you are a business owner looking to go to the next level, I highly recommend giving Tom a call.”

Daniel Sirvent

If you are looking for a great coach that will challenge you and help you get the results you are looking for, I recommend giving Tom a call!

“I met Tom at an event I attended where he was the keynote speaker. I had recently started a new business venture and was looking for a coach to help me improve my sales results, improve my leadership, and scale my business. Tom helped me set clear and executable goals, build a solid business plan, and create a sales and marketing system to qualify high quality leads and bring in new business. Since working with Tom, I’ve brought in a bunch of new business, started to build a solid team, and have a mission and the confidence in myself to lead my business to a whole other level. If you are looking for a great coach that will challenge you and help you get the results you are looking for, I recommend giving Tom a call!”

Kim Droessler

He is truly a “coaches coach”

He is truly a “coaches coach”
“I have been coaching with Tom for about 6 months. I have found him to be terrific coach and asset to my business. He is able to draw the best out of you and help you create a workable plan in very short order. He is truly a “coaches coach”. Personally, I have been doing business coaching for the past 14 years. As a coach and “being in the business”, I get to evaluate him in a different paradigm. I can tell you with 100% certainty that if you are looking for a great business coach, look no further Tom will help you get to the next level.”

Dr. Paul Inselman

Tom is a game changer and is ready for the next challenge. Are you?

“I have known Tom Kelly for over 10 years. We met at a leads group where we were both members. I owned a small business and was open to coaching. I started coaching with Tom and he was able to identify areas of my leadership that needed improvement. We worked closely together and I was successful in improving my weaknesses as a leader. Some specific examples of the work we accomplished together:

1. Improved cash flow by 75 days.
2. Increased revenue by 25%.
3. Increased profitability by 10%.

I sold my small business and started investing in real estate projects. I realized I was not focused enough and began coaching with Tom again. Tom was able to center my focus and increase my productivity. During that time, I was at a hard place mentally. I turned to Tom for help and he assisted me in pulling me through my tough time. We identified I was not in the right industry and Tom was able to connect me with my future employer.
I currently work at Sun Acquisitions as the Business Development Officer and have been experiencing massive results with the help of Tom’s coaching. It is a very challenging position and Tom has helped me create an Ideal Schedule for me to follow and keeps me accountable to the schedule I created. His constant reminder of focus and the powerful question of, ‘Why?’, has helped me to become successful in my current position.

Tom’s ability to identify areas of weakness and coach to improve a weakness is exceptional. Tom understands we are human and we make mistakes. Tom also understands that we possess an ability to learn and improve and sometimes that ability is hiding deep in our minds. Tom excels at finding our ability and bringing that ability in all of us, front and center. When our ability to learn and improve is front and center, Tom exploits our newly found skill and pushes us beyond our limits. With Tom’s help, I have found myself in territory that I would have never imagined.
I highly recommend Tom’s services to anyone looking to make massive change to their professional and/or personal lives. Tom is a game changer and is ready for the next challenge. Are you?”

Tony Schiappa

You want him in your corner!

“Tom has been my coach for years as I’ve built up my leadership coaching practice. He has consistently helped me step back from problems to gain a higher perspective, which brings the added benefit of both making me a better coach for my clients and a happier person. He also recently helped me land my first 6-figure coaching contract! I can’t recommend Tom highly enough as a business coach. You want him in your corner!”

Ariana Blossom

Tom Helped Me Change My Mindset

“I’ve worked with a lot of big name coaches in the past, and just wasn’t getting the type of results that I was looking for. I needed someone that could help me deliver results – specifically doubling my sales and improving the overall systems in my business. Tom helped me change my mindset, get out of the details, and empower my team. Tom also taught me how to avoid selling on price and attract the types of clients that value my services and are willing to pay for it. I now have a specific daily action plan to achieve my goals, and my team knows what my expectations are. We have better systems and are on the way to doubling our sales. I’ve even brought Tom in to coach the team as well. If you’re looking to take your business to the next level, I highly recommend working with Tom.”

Suzanne Harandi

Tom is a master coach, who listens well and challenges you to grow your knowledge and skills

“Tom Kelly coached me in the creation of marketing and sales systems for my new business. These new systems enabled me to focus and organize my marketing and sales efforts and helped me to generate my first sale as well as multiple prospects for future sales. Tom provided me with knowledgeable advice, useful recommendations, and helpful tips for growing my business. My meeting notes from our coaching sessions continue to be a valuable reference as I put his suggestions into practice. Tom is a master coach, who listens well and challenges you to grow your knowledge and skills. In the future, when I need help in addressing marketing and sales challenges, I plan to seek out Tom’s coaching assistance.”

Brian Vickers
Founder and Principal Consultant